Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More than One

Mike was out of town last week. But no fear... we got to talk a few times on Skype. It's so great to live in the 21st century. Getting to not only to talk to Daddy but also see him and show him things made Sam, Levi and Nate's day more than once this week. Too bad Mike can't change diapers long distance. :)

We had friends Anita, Franklyn, Symon and Elsa over on Friday. Nate and Elsa have become fast friends!

Sam is entering this photo in a contest his school is putting on called "Get Caught Reading". Notice the title of the book.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Levi and Nate applaud each other after their own rousing rendition of "the Wheels on the Bus" at lunchtime.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nate's First Corn on the Cob

I'm going to try this again

Obviously I've fallen off the wagon when it comes to blogging, and I'll tell you why. I thought, mistakenly, that after Nate turned one year old life would get a little easier. He'd be walking, communicating better, eating more on his own, etc. and be a little less dependent on me. These things are all true, but I forgot that along with all this also comes the ability to open doors, play in the toilet, unpack the diaper bag, throw toys in the garbage, and generally undo most of what I've done throughout the day.

He's a mischievous one.

So I've been a little busy, and the thought of sitting down and writing a blog entry was just too overwhelming. And that's saying something!

Thankfully Nate is getting more able to communicate, responds better to correction, and is generally more cooperative the older he gets. Boy, that 12-15 month period is crazy! But I think the craziness is tapering off a little, so I've decided to try something new: a picture a day. This way, I can regularly share/record what's going on but don't plan to write too much.

Here goes nothing!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Catching up

Well, I'm finally back.  I took an unplanned blogging break.  Not because I didn't want to write, but life was getting the best of me.  The holidays rolled around, so I simplified and cut back on everything that didn't have to do with Christmas.  Then I was so spent from Christmas that I simplified yet again in January!

I certainly am not on top of things yet, but I'm not sure that will happen for another several years.  The kids are growing so quickly, and as I've mentioned before, my main regret in not blogging more often revolves around record-keeping and allowing far-off family and friends watch them grow, too.  So here's a very brief recap from the past two months:

Star Wars has become all the rage.

Peek-a-boo is quite popular, as well.

And in general, looking cute is quite acceptable.

Playing together is often successful, except when it's not.

The first snow was a big hit!

We're trying to keep Nate from a future in thievery.

More shenanigans.

Part of the reason I did not write sooner is because Mike got a new computer.  This was a wonderful and unexpected blessing!  It meant that my old Dell could finally give up the ghost as I would inherit Mike's 2 year old Mac book.  But that also meant I'd have to learn a new operating system and get my photos and docs transferred to this computer.  Because of all of this, I'm not exactly where pictures of Nate's birthday, Christmas day, and other important info is stored at this specific moment, but I can confirm that it all happened, and was very fun!

Also, Nate is beginning to walk!  Check this out: