To celebrate, last Saturday we all went out to McDonald's for lunch and then to Child's Play Toy Store to pick up Sam's potty reward, a marble run.
Incidentally, ever since he's been on track with going to the potty a lot of his defiance has dissipated. It makes me wonder which came first -- did he decide to cooperate with potty training as well as other things in life, or did his success in potty training lead to feeling more grown-up, thus acting more grown-up? Any thoughts?
Hi Jen! I love potty training! Well, not so much the training, but the result is freedom! We're gearing up for #3. We got the little potty chair down and are talking it up. We might just be diaper free around here soon. Wow! That hasn't happened in 5 1/2 years!
Your boys seem to be a great joy! What a blessing.
Hi! I'm Ewelina Godzwa, im from Modla in Poland. I'm 15. Please, write to me! My e-mail Best wishes!
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